You know you are in a good mood in the morning when you set up and here Norah Jones singing "Come away with me." How uplifting! You can easily get caught up in the words of poetry and drift into a daydream............. and then you start from there.
Soon the day will arrive and my fate of being 47 years old will be sealed. My grandmother used to say life goes by too fast. How right she was. One day you are a child and the next day you are figuring out how to get out of jury duty and what paying federal income taxes.
A discion had to be made. You see I teach for the Catholic Schools. I love all those little people. They keep me on feet, thinking fast, and young. You forget what it was like to be a child and how hard it is. Then you see the children going through the motions of there day and quickly remember what it was all like. The cuts and bruises, the anger from having the big kid behind you cut in front of you at the lunch line, and recess is the coolest part of the day. Your choice is do you have a red lunch bucket with a bologna sandwich or a yellow lunch bucket with peanut butter and jelly. Then you have me, an Art Teacher, wheel into a room with a cart of supplies. This is pretty cool. No arithmetic, science, or history for 40 minutes. Yes, at six years old we are going to be a professonal artist with our box of crayons.
Getting back to the job. Love it, but don't make a living wage. So I was looking for work in other locations. Ain't happening. Not enough experience or not updated in knowledge. It is hard to believe with 21 years teaching and several degrees later i am not meeting the job requirements and i am making the lowest salary ever. UGGGGGGGGGG! So the game now is to continue marketing myself on the web and spend my summer days enthralled in creating. I suppose i was simply made to create. there is not much else that is satisfying and i am good at. Then i will just have to paint. The hope is someone else will offer me illustration work or freelancing artwork. I think i shall try to post my art on blog. Tell me if it is OK! . It may be as good as i can do. That's not half bad.