Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First day of school has come and gone. Students nerves have settled down. Stomachs no longer turn while giggling begins. A teacher has control for all about a week. Teachers will unite and scheme up ways to settle students disputes. First thing in the morning is grade K. 27 to 1. Whats the odds of a teacher winning over 27 little munchkins. If students only knew I am figuring this out as I go.

Tiny fingers will learn how to glue and paste. Tiny minds speak words and be the informers. Yes, there is nothing like being an underpaid over achiever baby sitter. I let the 8Th Graders believe they are all grown up and big kids know. Too me, they are as little as grade 'K". They never prove otherwise.

First day of school the building was quiet.. Second day of school never did the student body utter a word. Seventh day of school.......... let the games begin.