Friday, June 21, 2013

Eckley Mining Village, Coal Patch Days

Coal Patch Days, Eckley Miners Village, Eckley, PA, reanacts coalminers life style. During this annual event I was reminded of the life style coal miners lived during the 20Th Century.  When you experience this you see an understanding of how fortunate we are to have a better quality of life in the 20TH Century. The anthrucite coal mining region had laid a great inpact on the economy hear in North Eastern, PA. Beautiul hand spoon craftsmanship, homeade food, and the gift of kindness was spread through out the village.  People opened up there homes and were proud to display thier goods and collectables of Antiques. Worthy to see. 

Personal opion is the understanding of our roots in history helps us understand who we have become toady.  It gives us conviction and a foundation for our beliefs and we will be better off for it all.
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